Christmas time is typically looked-to as an occasion to
promote goodwill and unity. It seems completely contradictory then, that on Boxing
Day, thousands go forth in a ritualistic tearing up of animals, habitat and
hopes. The issue is hunting and the subject is the Boxing Day hunts; which approximately
250,000 people turned up to in the last days of 2015, according to estimates by
The Countryside Alliance. It shows that a culture celebrating slaughter
still exists, often emblazoned with uniform and some even arguing that it is in
the interests of ‘conservation’. It’s hard to see what is conserved by chasing
a beautiful animal until exhaustion levels over fields, before committing it to
a cruel death: the reality of foxhunting. We need to know how important
it is to address the myth and expose the lies which linger around the current
‘ban’. More work is needed and the current legislation is not enough:
foxhunting needs to be tackled, for good.
Filled with inconsistencies and loopholes
Fox hunting and its current ‘ban’ – as well as Conservative
attempts to challenge that position – has received increased attention in the
media over the course of 2015. However, that the ban has remained could be seen
as causing a sense of stagnation; when more work is needed to address the
issue. What it is crucial to remember is that the fox hunting ban does not mean
the problem is resolved. In fact, the crucial legislation is filled with inconsistencies
and loopholes; something which needs greater attention if we are to ‘go
forward; into 2016. What we need to go forward with is a change in attitudes;
people shouldn’t have to just feel ‘satisfied’ with the current ban, people
shouldn’t feel afraid to speak out and to condemn a fox hunt should not be demonised
as anti-tradition or anti-patriot. In fact, to decry the ritualistic killing of
Britain’s animals is perhaps one of the proudest things anyone can do. That is
why I am fighting for it to be a big focus for 2016.
The current fox hunting ban is not enough, and there are a
number of issues which make this clear.
Boxing day hunts highlight a big problem; that the culture of hunting
and killing is still endorsed. The press
flocked to capture film and pictures of the parades, quick to jump on the
‘controversy; of Tracey Crouch, the sports minister and her comments on the
event, that hunting should be ‘consigned
to history’. Crouch’s comments are not a stir of ‘controversy’ at all, nor
should they be sold as such. What she is saying are clear words of common
sense; that hunting animals in this way is wrong and needs to be stopped per
It is in the detail that further faults lie
The current hunting ban is clearly not what it says on the
tin. The idea of a ‘ban’ suggests complete stoppage, that the activity is
prohibited, seen as bad, incorrect, wrong.
Yet it seems peculiar that an event associated with a ‘ban’ goes to be
celebrated on not just Boxing Day, but at a variety of events throughout the
year. And it’s not just outwardly that the ban doesn’t make sense, it is in the
detail that further faults lie. ‘Trail’ hunting still continues throughout the
year; a practice where hounds are still allowed to chase after a fox scent
which artificially laid. Yet the number of times this results in the persuing and killing of actual foxes is likely high, as well as poorly monitored. The
continuance of this clearly highlights a culture which casts foxes as something
to ‘pursue’, nothing more than a piece of ‘chase’. Plus there is discretion in
place to allow for ‘accidents’ resulting in the death of a fox; whatever these
may be interpreted as. Ultimately, there are a number of loopholes for hunters
to comfortably slip through, mockingly even.
Therefore, 2016 needs to be the year where we address
hunting, even in light of the ban. In order to progress, we cannot simply slide
into acceptance. A corrupt culture which celebrates the killing of animals as
‘game’ and ‘tradition’ still continues. It is up to people who care about the preservation
of wildlife and our country to expose this. It;s essential to emphasize
the importance of true awareness for what foxhunting really is. Increased
awareness, open conversation and keeping up with campaigns are all important.
Just because there is a ban, doesn’t mean that the cruelty is banished.
Foxhunting is going to be an issue I will focus on considerably in 2016.
Let’s keep the ban AND make it a ban for good.
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